If you work on a Mac, Unblocked provides a native Mac app for interacting with Unblocked. Just like Unblocked on the web, you can use the Mac app to ask a wide range of questions about your codebase.


To install the Mac app, download the installer from the Unblocked website. Then, run the installer to complete the app installation process.

On first launch, the Mac app will prompt you to sign in to your Unblocked account.

The signin flow will take you to your default browser to complete, and then redirect you back to the Unblocked app after you’ve signed in.

Keyboard Shortcut

One of the key features of the Mac app is its universal keyboard shortcut, making Unblocked accessible from anywhere on your Mac.

Any time you want to ask Unblocked a question, you can press Command+Shift+U, and Unblocked’s question interface will appear. Pressing the shortcut again will hide Unblocked if it’s the active window.

Additional Functionality

In addition to the keyboard shortcut and all of the standard functionality around asking questions, Unblocked also provides a few other, helpful features.

Unblocked for Mac lets you view the questions you’ve asked in the past, just like the My Discussions page in the web interface

It also keeps track of when a team member asks a follow-up question and will send you a push notification when there is new activity on your questions.