Get insights into how your team uses Unblocked.
The Unblocked Analytics Dashboard shows how your team uses the platform. You can view usage statistics, identify active users, and track estimated time savings across your organization.
To view analytics for your Unblocked team, navigate to the Analytics menu item in the left-hand sidebar of the Unblocked web dashboard. The following charts are available:
Question Count
Shows the total number of questions answered within the selected time period. Hovering reveals the breakdown of answers rated by your team: helpful, not helpful, and not rated.
Time Saved
Displays an aggregate estimate in hours saved by your team using Unblocked. The calculation uses an estimate of 20 minutes saved per question.
Most Active Members
Shows a ranked list of users sorted by number of questions asked during the selected time period. Each entry displays the user’s name and their total question count.
Most Active Channels
If your teams uses Slack integration, this chart displays which Slack channels generate the most Unblocked answers. Useful for tracking where your team most frequently uses the Slack integration.
Question Source
Shows the distribution of questions across different interfaces: the Unblocked web dashboard, the Unblocked Mac app, IDE extensions like VSCode and JetBrains, and from Slack. This helps track which platforms your team uses most frequently.
All Members
Graphs the cumulative number of lifetime Unblocked users in your organization to understand adoption over time. Hover over points to see exact member counts for specific weeks or months.