To connect Azure DevOps with Unblocked, you need to be on the Enterprise Plan. You can view all the features of Unblocked’s plans on our pricing page.

Unblocked exists to answer questions about your application, so it leverages your codebase as a primary source for explaining how your application works. When you connect Unblocked with Azure Devops organization, you enable a critical data source for answers. You’ll get a few extra, first-class features too:

  1. Unblocked refreshes your team’s data index as you make changes to your codebase. This means that answers to questions will reflect the latest updates to your codebase, while also taking into account your code’s history.
  2. Any relevant Pull Requests will also be referenced throughout Unblocked to refer to alongside the discussions you or your teammates have with Unblocked. As your team works on parts of your codebase, Unblocked provides notifications for and quick access to Pull Request discussions that people are participating in. This is specifically something you’ll notice in the Mac app or in the IDE extensions.

Connect your organization and repositories

You need to enable Third-party application access via OAuth in your Azure DevOps’ organization policies settings to authenticate Unblocked

Whether you sign in with Azure DevOps credentials, another code repository, or your SSO provider, you first need to authenticate to Unblocked.

If you have an existing Unblocked account, you’ll need to select Data Sources in the sidebar, then Azure DevOps once you’ve logged in. Otherwise, you’ll be immediately prompted to authorize the Unblocked app.

Authorize the Unblocked app

If you aren’t logged into Azure DevOps, you’ll be prompted to do so.

Once you’re authenticated to Azure DevOps, you’ll be asked to grant access to Unblocked. This access will allow Unblocked to read the Azure DevOps organizations and projects you are a part of as well as check for repositories in those projects, but it won’t begin indexing those repositories yet.

Connect your repositories

Once you’ve given access to your Azure DevOps account, Unblocked still needs to know which repositories you want it to answer questions about. After authorizing access to Azure DevOps, you’ll be redirected back to Unblocked, where you’ll be prompted to select the projet you want to use with Unblocked.

Unblocked preselects the repositories that have been active in the last 6 months. Forked and archived repositories are not preselected.

Generating a model for answering questions

Unblocked is able to answer questions for the repositories that it has ingested into its model. After giving Unblocked initial access to your organization and project, you’ll choose which repositories it should ingest. You can also select whether all new repositories should be automatically ingested into your Unblocked model.

Once you select the repositories you want to ask questions about, click Save and Continue, and Unblocked will get to work.

While it is certainly possible to use Unblocked without incorporating any further data sources, we strongly encourage you to include as many other systems in which you have documented or even discussed your applications.