To connect external websites with Unblocked, you need to be on the Business or Enterprise Plan. You can view all the features of Unblocked’s plans on our pricing page.

Unblocked exists to answer questions about your application, so it takes into account the context, data, and discussions that live across the systems your team uses, including external websites that contain information related to your codebase. Unblocked is able to add any public website to its data index, meaning it can answer questions related to any web pages for which you provide the root URL.

Add your Websites

To get started, click Data Sources in the sidebar, and then the Add Sources tab. Scroll to the documentation section and select Websites.

From this page, Unblocked presents you with a form to enter any URL you would like it to include in your team’s data index for generating answers. You can connect a blog, a documentation site, or a marketing page, and as long as it is publicly accessible on the web, Unblocked can use relevant context from the site in its answers.

Once you add the URLs you’d like to include in your Unblocked answers, click Save Settings. Unblocked will begin incorporating those pages into its answers for all of the questions you and your team may ask.

To remove websites in the future, or add others, simply return to this page and add or remove URLs as needed.