Unblocked is built to answer questions about your codebase, and as you might expect, requires access to your source code management system.

At present, Unblocked supports most major git based hosting solutions, including:

It’s important to provide Unblocked with access to any code you want to be able to ask questions about. If you are on Unblocked’s Business plan, you will be able to connect one source code management system. Teams on the Enterprise plan can connect multiple source code systems to Unblocked.

If there are specific repositories you don’t want Unblocked use as it answers questions, you can:

  • Remove these repositories from Unblocked after processing is complete through Data Source configurations
  • Use Data Shield - which uses the identity of the user asking the questions to ensure they have access to the underlying data store (like repository, workspace, project, channel etc)

For more information about how Unblocked manages the security of your code and its systems, see our security page.